About Us
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A new way to experience aviation on the web!
Aviation Times is a digital publication focused on all aspects of the aviation industry, including flight training, airlines, 135 operations and General Aviation. Our articles feature in depth industry analysis and reports as well as the constant promotion of safety practices and system safety designed programs. And most importantly, the active effort of inspiring the next generation of pilots, flight attendants, controllers, mechanics and managers.
Not only do we feature the latest and greatest aircraft, we also focus on the people that work day in and day out to make the aviation industry the most dependable, magnificent and sometimes turbulent of human endeavors.
Our portal features extensive multimedia use, interactive features, a strong social media presence and gives the reader the opportunity to have a voice in order to play an active role in the future of our industry.
We hope to inspire and help make a reality, the dreams of those who always look skyward.
Our Staff Team
One-man-band. A rogue outfit of one. Single pilot posting operations. You get the idea…
Aviation Times is the brainchild of one aviator who has spent a lifetime admiring -and geeking over- airplanes and rockets.
I truly hope you enjoy navigating through this website. It is held together with rivets of great storytelling, a passion for history, general av-geekiness and true love for flight.
Surely, along our route, we will fulfill the ultimate mission of this site: inspiring the next generation of industry professionals to join the ranks.
“And don’t call me Shirley.”

Alexis Dames

Alexis Dames
Social Media Manager

Alexis Dames

Alexis Dames
Web Developer
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